Office Bearers

A Lodge is little without the embodiment of fine men…

Our RWM Bro. Alan Paterson P.M. welcomes all to Lodge Blairhoyle and hopes that you return to your Mother Lodge with Fraternal Greetings.

Our site holds all the information you need to get to know the premises, location and Office Bearers, why not say hello in our Guestbook or get in touch here.

Bro. Alan Paterson P.MRight Worshipful Master
Bro. Duncan M. Kinloch P.MImmediate Past Master
TBCDepute Master
Bro. Bruce Barnie P.MSubstitute Master
Bro. Cpt Greig GuthrieWorshipful Senior Warden
Bro. Sam Harris P.MWorshipful Junior Warden
Bro. Andrew Paterson P.MSecretary
Bro. Duncan Kinloch P.M (Acting)Treasurer
Bro. Ralph Teasdale P.MChaplain
Bro. Alan Paterson P.M (Acting)
Bro. Ross VallanceSenior Deacon
Bro. Allan McCall P.MJunior Deacon
Bro. Duncan Burns P.MDirector of Ceremonies
Bro. Jamie DuncombeBible Bearer
Bro. James ReidInner Guard
Bro. Alasdair GrahamSteward
Bro. Alec Taylor P.MTyler