Lodge Charity Presentations 2024

The local community is at the heart of our Lodge Charity donations and it was great to contribute to these worthwhile causes.

The first 3 pictures are for contributions to worthy causes in the local community. The money itself was initially raised by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Perthshire West & distributed to the Daughter Lodges for use. Pictured with the below mentioned are Right Worshipful Master Bro. Alan Paterson PM & Immediate Past Master Bro. Duncan Kinloch PM.

Mr David Moore who is a member of the Thornhill Players Amateur Dramatic Society received a cheque to contribute towards future productions

Mrs Belinda McMillan of the Thornhill Horticultural Society received a cheque and an Amazon voucher to use as a prize for the U16 entry at this years show.

Mrs Margaret Burnett received a cheque to contribute towards the Thornhill Gala to be held in August.

The last 3 pictures were specific to Lodge Charity donations as agreed by the members.

Substitute Master Bro. Bruce Barnie PM & Immediate Past Master Bro. Duncan Kinloch PM presented Strathcarron Hospice with a donation after Bro Barnie’s wife had spent time at Strathcarron before her recent passing.

Immediate Past Master Bro. Duncan Kinloch PM & Worshipful Senior Warden Bro. Greig Guthrie presented a cheque to CHAS via Mr & Mrs House who lost their son 26 years ago and have dedicated those years in supporting the amazing work of CHAS across Scotland.

Right Worshipful Master Bro. Alan Paterson PM & Worshipful Senior Warden Bro. Greig Guthrie presenting Thornhill resident Fraser Scott with a donation towards his 24hr Gold Challenge that took place on the 21st June. This was in aide of Back Onside, a UK based mental health charity that helps to improve ental health through education, support & inclusion.

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